SEO: The Long-Term Marketing Solution
When it comes to marketing, each dentist seems to have their own personal favorite. These are usually instant gratification services—the ones that get new patients the fastest. It’s easy to see why they are popular!
So what is the one marketing channel that seems most misunderstood and underutilized by far?
If you guessed SEO, you would be right!
But here is where that bias can be a negative in the long run:
53.3% of all web traffic comes from organic search (source).
70% of users click on organic search results (source).
And maybe most importantly: SEO is seen as the most profitable channel by 49% of marketers (source).
So while SEO is not an instant gratification service, the earlier you optimize your SEO, the sooner you will reap the benefits of this investment. And that means a lower cost per new patient.
Do you know what the current organic traffic to your website is? Let us know if you need help finding or assessing this. Contact us here or email us directly at [email protected].